Monday 9 January 2012

Looking good.

Some decent light had me out of the door and off up to the Rising Sun this afternoon. I entered from the west and spent the first hour or so exploring the large number of Alders on that side of the hill but none of the hoped for Redpoll. Further in 5 Blackbirds were gorging themselves on the fruit of the still laden Hawthorns at the end of the west ditch. The main waggonway was busy and after the obligatory mixed flock of Tits i picked up on a single Siskin trailing close behind. The sun was getting lower in the sky now and the light was superb. Hoping to come across something a little special i was in luck and a pair of Coal Tits appeared and concentrated their attentions on a Beech close to the plantation. I had the birds in view for about 10 minutes, moving along the tree line before i spotted another 5 Siskins high in some more Alders.
Coal Tit


  1. Nice shots John. Another month and I will be able to get out for a late afternoon or early morning wander as the day lengthens.


  2. It's slowly getting there John. I'm sure it's very painful for you.
