I feel quite guilty. I decided to start blogging without realising how busy i am. From now on i am going to make time to update. Here are a number of images from the last few weeks.
I have been away visiting my beautiful Grandson in Kent. I did managed a little birding while there and visited Elmley Marshes on the Isle of Sheppey. This is a RSPB site in the North East of Kent and comes highly recommended if anyone is in the area. The main thing that actually sticks in my mind from the visit was the thousands of pounds worth of pumping equipment lying around all over the site, ready to be used if water levels needed adjusting. I am relatively new to birding but have heard a lot of moans about water levels or the lack of management of some sites i have visited up here. This certainly wasn't the case at Elmley.
My local haunt normally is Big Waters, or muddy ( any blues people will know Muddy Waters) as i like to call it. This is in no way a swipe at the water quality there, just my sense of humour. However i haven't been as often in the last couple of weeks as thanks to PC Wanderings blog, have been up to Prestwick Carr ( large Blue British Shorthair jumps onto lap at this point making my typing errors increase by 50 %) marveling at the Short Eared Owl that has been showing there. I aint got any pics as there has not been one reasonable photo opportunity but the Owl has been brilliant to watch. I like to walk while i'm out and about but have tended to hang around while at Prestwick, not wanting to miss any of the S.E.O. action so i need to explore a little more. Whilst waiting for said Owl i have been entertained by other species but mainly the Buzzard family that frequent the restricted zone woods, all four of which made an appearance together last Wednesday evening for best part of an hour. Can i also thank Peter ( PC Wanderings) and Bicycle Bill for answering my endless stream of questions about Prestwick and birding generally, they are a joy to talk to........very helpful.
I warned you there would be more waffling than warbling. Here are some pics.........when i started originally it was about birding but i have seen so many fantastic things around me that i love everything about nature, so the images i capture now can be of anything. Nature is wonderful, i only wish i'd discovered it when i was younger.