Friday, 13 November 2020

Keeping my distance

 I've never really needed much of an excuse to keep my distance from folk. I've always been happy with my own company and although i do enjoy listening to people who actually have something to say i find most folk tend to be more wrapped up in themselves. Heading up to Abbey Mills near Morpeth the forecast wasn't as good as it had predicted ( surprise, surprise) It was raining which meant that the light would be awful and it never stopped all morning. A double edged sword as it meant photography would be tricky but it might mean it was quieter than expected and that's how it turned out. Picked up a single HAWFINCH on arrival close to the path but way up in the top of the Hornbeams. It was active and feeding, great to observe but no chance of a decent pic. I had the bird all to myself for the hour or so i was there and only one single dog walker came anywhere near close. The plan was to enjoy walks along the river and woods, especially along towards Mitford but as mentioned the lack of any decent light put paid to any landscape captures, my camera with the shorter lens stayed in the car due to the wet conditions. I didn't mind carrying one camera and trying to keep it dry but didn't want to mess about with two. It was nice to find another colony of Tree Sparrows in a small plot with a couple of feeders in it on the outskirts of Mitford. This species has been doing really well here in the north east it would seem. I remember not that long ago the only place i was guaranteed to see any was at Big Waters but now i can think of 8-10 sites. My time along the Wansbeck brought me great views of a DIPPER. Heading up Druridge way regularly these days means its been some time. Thoroughly enjoyed spending time in its company as it did what Dippers do as leaves fell from the trees continually.